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Showing posts from 2024

ASOIAF Neutral Heroes 2 Walder Frey

 I was intrigued by the A Song of Ice and Fire The Miniatures Game (ASOIAF) for some time. I had read the books before the TV series came out and they were generally very good and the way that they are written with different chapters from different characters points of view helps to give the overarching narrative a much wider vision. As with another author, Patrick Rothfus, Martin is a little late! on actually finishing the book series off.  The series was generally very good as well, some bits were not great but that has been dealt with elsewhere. The main point was the story more or less worked up to where the show runners departed from the established story and timeline. Not their fault as Martin had not finished it but the difference in quality was evident. Anyway I had been aware of the Miniatures and that they were for a wargame for some time but had not looked at them in any real detail. After the 2024 release of The Old World and the debacle on stock then I was looking...