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Different Empire Halberdier Generations

First generation of Empire army with halberdiers which had metal halberds that you had to put in. I think they are from the Medievals range by Citadel, so from early 1980's
Citadel Original Halberdiers

2nd generation halberdiers, now painted in clear Averland colours following the release of the first Empire army book which had pics of all the main states. I chose Averland because of the strong contrast and Black Fire Pass Guard, which sounded cool. Also close to the Moot so I could use Halflings and close to the Mts so I could use Imperial Dwarves. I have some of those coming up. From the Battle Masters figures I think.

Battle Masters Halberdiers

Current generation of Halberdiers and these are a bit old, head swap on the plastic figure to make him more presentable. Metal figure in full flouncy bits and big Averland feather, and a really old Moon Duke.

Averland halberdiers, Warhammer

Latest Halberidiers that I have, though I realise that there is a generation after this. But the figures are getting so big. Those Militia figures which came from Mordheim were out of proportion and now it looks as if they have followed that up, hence the problem that people are having with head swaps etc.

Empire Warhammer Halberdier Troops


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