Have now finished the Warrior of Rohan, above was the starting point, big slaps of paint roughly in the right place on the Games Wrokshop miniature. No base, and the flash lines and sprue marks had not been removed. Below are three shots of the same man of rohan, the flash lines have been removed, the decorative base has been added, and there is some basic highlights and shading. The shield design of the intertwined horses has been given as much detail as I could. Metallic highlights drybrushed onto the scalemail armour and the helmet. Again this is not Golden Demon standard but a good gaming standard for LOTR. I now have about 30 other Warriors of Rohan to work on!
Some shots of my Dark Elf force, this army has been reasonably successful, and this is with it using a Black Dragon as a mount for the Dark Elf General. Depsite putting mega pts into this arrangement it seems to work. The army colours use an antique gold for the helments and extra metal fittings with a purple for cloth. Also have leather details in a creamy leather for that flayed looked. The Dark Elves Spearmen unit uses a mix of figures, there are some older metal figures in there for most of the spearmen, the champion and the musician, whilst there are also a few of the newer plastic figures. I also used a mix of shield designs, some hand painted and some with plastic skulls, but all using the skull motif. The Repeater Crossbow Dark Elves also use a mix of metal and plastic figures, tied together with the same colour scheme. The unit has no standard but does have a musician.